Quoting Christian PERRIER (bubu...@debian.org): > Quoting Christian PERRIER (bubu...@debian.org): > > > So, the problem might be in Extremadura's datacenter. In the past, it > > already happened that some uncoordinated network redesign was made, so > > the problem could be the same (such as a firewall blocking incoming > > traffic). > > > One week nater, still no news, zero, nada. Full silence..:-( > > s/nater/later
Two days ago, I got brief news from Julen Ruiz Aizpuru, of the translate.org project (who is also affected by the move). It seems that the Extremadura datacenter was being moved to another facility and, apparently, our machines (churro and the translate.org machine) ended up in a warehouse. Still, Julen told me two days ago that the machine should be online "by tomorrow"..:-) --
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