Quoting Martin Eberhard Schauer (martin.e.scha...@gmx.de):
> Christian PERRIER wrote:
> >I'm afraid that churro is down again....:-(
> I'm quite glad that Churro is up again. But the Translation-xx files
> are still not updated. And I miss the mail interface ...

Incoming SSH is not yet working. Very probably because of local
firewall policy rules that haven't been re-implemented. 
That makes the scripts that run on ftp-master.debian.org fail to get
the updated translations from churro.

I'm waiting for my local contacts input about this. One should note
that Anto (those of you who have been at DebConf 9 know him well) has
been very helpful in fixing the hardware problems on the machine: the
hard disks have been indeed moved to another machine, which may
explain changes in firewalling policy.

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