
David Prévot <taf...@debian.org> wrote: 
> Debian Edu Squeeze Release should be published tomorrow as planed, and
> we would appreciate reviews and translations.

I have attached a patch.

Additionally to that, there are two paragraphs, containing information,
where Skolelinux is mostly used. But these two information are not
        part 1 says: Germany and Norway
        part 2 says: Norway, Spain, Germany and France

Skolelinux is used by at least two hundred schools all over the world,
mostly in Germany (in 2009 the region of Rhineland-Palatinate decided to
use it in all its schools) and Norway. 

Today the system is in use in several countries around the world, with
most installations in Norway, Spain, Germany and France. 


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            /____/ /_/ /_/\/ /___/  /_/\_\    6.0 / Squeeze.
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--- debian-edu.orig	2012-03-10 21:34:40.493595169 +0100
+++ debian-edu.workingcopy	2012-03-10 21:38:41.037595179 +0100
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 Several educational applications like Celestia, Dr. Geo, GCompris,
 GeoGebra, Kalzium, KGeography and Solfege are included in
 the default desktop setup.
-<br />
 ## what is new in this release? just the most important things, for the
 ## rest let's link release notes!
@@ -36,8 +36,8 @@
 updated artwork and new Debian Edu / Skolelinux logo; a new LXDE desktop option,
 in addition to KDE (default) and GNOME (LXDE and GNOME are available only
 with the CD installation method); faster LTSP client boot; 
-improved handing of removable media on thin clients; a new roaming workstation
-profile for laptops; full Samba NT4 domain support for Windows XP/Vista/7; etc.
+improved handling of removable media on thin clients; a new roaming workstation
+profile for laptops; full Samba NT4 domain support for Windows XP/Vista/7 etc.
 <br />
 The Debian Edu Team has also worked intensively on the documentation, 
 improving and extending the manual which is now fully translated to
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
 <a href="http://maintainer.skolelinux.org/debian-edu-doc/en/debian-edu-squeeze-manual.html#Installation";>complete
 download and installation instructions</a> available, including
 detailed instructions in the <a href="http://maintainer.skolelinux.org/debian-edu-doc/en/debian-edu-squeeze-manual.html#GettingStarted";><q>Getting
-Started</q> chapter of the manual</a> explaining the first steps, eg setting 
+Started</q> chapter of the manual</a> explaining the first steps, e.g. setting 
 up a network or adding users.
 <br />
 Those who already are using rc1-3 can upgrade to this version using for

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