
Simon Paillard <spaill...@debian.org> wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 10, 2012 at 06:39:41PM +0100, Francesca Ciceri wrote:
> > [cc-ed debian-desktop, please reply to -publicity list]
> > 
> > Hi all,
> > it's finally time to send out the "Wheezy" artwork call for proposals:
> > Jeremiah did a great work in writing it, so it just need  reviews
> > and translations (and ack by debian-desktop people).

The main part of the news consists of three chapters.
If you want this format to be visible in html version, there need
some tags to be added:

  An important part of any operating system is its look and feel. Debian is
  no exception. If you've ever wanted to influence the look and feel of an
  operating system, now is your chance.
  The Debian Project is calling for contributors to design graphics
  for the next release of the Universal Operating System, called
  If you would like to get involved, visit <a
  href="http://wiki.debian.org/DebianDesktop/Artwork/Wheezy";>this wiki page to 
+ </p><p>
  You'll see what the requirements are for submitting artwork, as well as a
  form to submit your own work to Debian. You can send questions to the
  <a href="http://lists.debian.org/debian-desktop";>debian-desktop mailing 
  if you have any.
+ </p><p>
  Thanks very much and everyone looks forward to seeing your work! 


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