Yes there are template changes, hence my concern about diverging the translation status of sid & exp

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On 17 Dec 2011 17:03, Christian PERRIER <> wrote:

Quoting Iain Lane (

> Thanks for taking care of this. I don't think we have any problems with
> this, so feel free to go ahead whenever you are ready. Are you looking
> at the package in experimental too? That will be pushed to unstable RSN
> (when the release team acks the transition).

Hmmm, I usually don't. Are there changes in debconf templates? If
there aren't, the patch I'll send will very very likely apply to both

> If you want to send a (series of) git patches / push a branch somewhere
> then that would make our lives easier. :-)

Well, I usually don't. On the other hand, I can perfectly just go
throught the call for translations round, then send you guys a summary
and leave it up to you to do the upload (which saves you a merge,

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