
Le 24/07/2011 00:31, Francesca Ciceri a écrit :

> I've just added into the publicity repository a new announcement
> ready for reviews and translations.

Thanks Francesca for working on this one on such a short notice. Please
find attached a patch, not committed since I don't trust myself enough
in English wording, but maybe someone else could acknowledge it in the
mean time or amend it in a better way.



Index: announcements/en/2011/2011-07-24-video.wml
--- announcements/en/2011/2011-07-24-video.wml  (révision 2454)
+++ announcements/en/2011/2011-07-24-video.wml  (copie de travail)
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
 ## You may use plain HTML here; we recommend to stick with paragraphs,
 ## lists and tables
-<p>The Debian Project is pleased to announce that through the donations
-of various sponsors it has been made a lot easier to provide interested
+<p>The Debian Project is pleased to announce that, through the donations
+of various sponsors, it has been made a lot easier to provide interested
 people with live video streams of sessions from Debian related
 conferences. <q>While previous Debian Conferences only had video coverage
 on a best effort basis, this one might be the first one with complete
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 This will be possible thanks to the donations from <a
 href="http://www.hp.com/go/linux";>HP</a> and <a
 href="http://www.irill.org/";>IRILL</a>: the first provided several HP
-elitebook 2540s while the second donate about 15,000 Euro with which the
+elitebook 2540s while the second donate about 15,000 euros with which the
 DebConf Video Team was able to buy two professional cameras with tripods
 plus two other cameras.
 Also, IRILL will provide safe storage for the equipment when not in use.
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 Both video streams and recordings will be available for all
 DebConf11 talks and BoFs: the schedule of the conference and the relevant
-links for the video streaming can be find on the <a
+links for the video streaming are available on the <a
 href="http://debconf11.debconf.org/watch.xhtml";>DebConf dedicated
 The Debian Project want to thank HP and IRILL for their generous support
@@ -89,8 +89,8 @@
 <h2>More Information</h2>
 <p>More information about DebConf11 can be found on the conference website
-at http://debconf11.debconf.org/ or by contacting the DebConf Global
-Press Team at pr...@debconf.org.</p>
+at <a href="http://debconf11.debconf.org/";>http://debconf11.debconf.org/</a>
+or by contacting the DebConf Global Press Team at 
 <h2>Contact Information</h2>

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