Quoting Davide Prina (davide.pr...@gmail.com):

> The Italian team have made a simple script[0] who can fetch package
> that need to be translated again.
> We would like to be able to use it as anonymous fetcher.
> For now we don't have had any problems with anonymous revisions.

Read Rhonda's objections. Even if I don't buy these personnally, I
still consider these could be considered valid objections by people
who have different reading of the DFSG (I still fail to see where
anonymous contributions aren't welcomed).

Moreover, there would be a way for the fetcher to be non anonymous, I guess.

> We prefer to disable the "Suggestions" because we have spam from here.

For this, I'm afraid someone would have to dig in the code. Not
something I want to break^W try fixing.

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