Sigh. Looks like we again need to fix the DDTSS/DDTP stuff.

----- Forwarded message from Martin Eberhard Schauer <> 

Date: Tue, 29 Mar 2011 19:16:31 +0200
From: Martin Eberhard Schauer <>
To: Christian PERRIER <>
Subject: Re: DDTSS - reduced functionality
X-CRM114-Status: Good  ( pR: 17.6539 )

Christian PERRIER wrote:
>> Today I got a personal message asking what's going on with DDTSS.
>> Symptom: recently translated descriptions don't find their way to
>> One example ist
>> The German translation (76824) was finished at Sat Mar 19 23:54:15 2011.
> Please notice that, during this entire week, because of the ftpmaster
> meeting going on, several automated actions to/from the archive may be
> affected by changes in archive software and organization.
> The meeting (and work) started on Sunday 20th/Monday 21th and will
> last until Sunday 27th.
> Please continue to monitor things and check whether they fix "by
> themselves" at some point. If, after Sunday 27th, things are still
> incorrect, please ping again.
Ping. Today I got a message that
libreoffice (
libktorrent-dev (
have been translated last week, but they are not displayed.

BTW: The statistics at are not updated for a
month now. The page still pretends that there are 78052
descriptions, but 78052 entered sid on 2011-02-16.

----- End forwarded message -----


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