Quoting Martin Eberhard Schauer (martin.e.scha...@gmx.de):
> Today I got a personal message asking what's going on with DDTSS.
> Symptom: recently translated descriptions don't find their way to
> http://packages.debian.org. One example ist
> http://packages.debian.org/sid/python-cap-ng.
> The German translation (76824) was finished at Sat Mar 19 23:54:15 2011.

Please notice that, during this entire week, because of the ftpmaster
meeting going on, several automated actions to/from the archive may be
affected by changes in archive software and organization.

The meeting (and work) started on Sunday 20th/Monday 21th and will
last until Sunday 27th.

Please continue to monitor things and checks whether they fix "by
themselves" at some point. If, after Sunday 27th, things are still
incorrect, please ping again.

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