On 07/10/2010 07:21, Christian PERRIER wrote:
> Quoting Eric KOM (eric...@namekom.co.za):
>> nodefault
>> from = Eric KOM <eric...@namekom.co.za>
>> langs = ca_ES, cs_CZ, da_DK, de_CH, de_DE, el_GR, en_GB, es_ES, fi_FI,
>> fr_FR, gl_ES, it_IT, lv_LV, mt_MT, nb_NO, nl_NL, pt_P$
> drop this. This list has nothing to do with the list of languages in
> *your* software or package.
>> summary
>> utf8
>> notemplate
> drop this. Default mail templates are fine. You may need to edit them
> for some specific purposes (for instance, if your package is not yet
> in the archive, then the call for translation should not suggest
> sending translations as bug reports. But, in general, the default
> templates for mails sent by p-r-p (podebconf-report-po) are fine.
I drop options as demanded, even now, my sent "podebconf-report-po
--call" it's not going.
I guess that, it's because my package it's not yet in the archive.

am gonna contact my mentor for this soon as possible.

>> deadline = +5days
> Too short. You can't expect translation teams with complete QA
> processes to complete it in 5 days.
Thanks for this information.
Thanks a lot.

Eric KOM Lendlela - Make news free as freedom.

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