
* Christian PERRIER <bubu...@debian.org> [2010-06-30 08:41:35 CEST]:
> Quoting Gerfried Fuchs (rho...@deb.at):
> > * Christian Perrier <bubu...@debian.org> [2010-06-29 21:38:49 CEST]:
> > > Please find attached the french debconf templates update, proofread by the
> > > debian-l10n-french mailing list contributors.
> > > 
> > > Thanks for taking care of warning translators before uploading a new
> > > version with string changes. It's highly appreciated.
> > 
> >  Thanks for ignoring me all together and trying to explicitly work
> > against me wherever you can, it is truly appreciated. Also thank you
> > very much for your fine and helpful snide "joking" comments all the
> > time, it really makes my work feel appreciated.
> > 
> >  Nevertheless I did send you an explicit informational request to do a
> > swift review the day I did upload the package. The upload was done and
> > not delayed until you got around for the review process (which as I
> > understand it would be longer than just the usual 10 day translator
> > delay) because it was considered more important to get the update out
> > because it fixed some important packaging problems and also an upgrade
> > issue.
> > 
> >  But yes, this was all done just to piss you off, I confess, this is the
> > sole purpose of my doings.
> I don't really understand what, in my bug report, can be taken as
> rude.

 The *more* than overdoing cynical undertone of the message in the light
of the whole issue is what itches me here, heavily. You might consider
it funny, I don't, at all.

 That's why I tried to point out the reasoning behind my approach to
give you the chance to understand why I did the upload now and not send
out a call for translations before - mostly also because I don't have a
clue how to send out a swift review process request and in your inital
mail you stated that you wanted to start such a process.

 Thanks for the fish,
"Lediglich 11 Prozent der Arbeitgeber sind der Meinung, dass jeder
Mensch auch ein Privatleben haben sollte."
        -- http://www.karriere.at/artikel/884/

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