Quoting Andrei Popescu (andreimpope...@gmail.com): > Take for example sublevel 2: > > - in Pootle: 5634t116f496u > - in SVN: 492t13f22u > > I must be missing something!
Yes. The count in Pootle is a count by word while stats displayed on the dedicated stats page are using a count by strings. > > As said above, I have a running cronjobs that push that material > > back to the debian-l10n SVN repository on alioth. This is working > > fairly well, but I monitor this quite loosely and this is anyway a > > kind of proof of concept. Of course, I'd very much welcome seeing more > > people jumping in this and proposiig evolutions to that framework. > > To conclude, is the location suggested by Martin Bagge useable, at least > for the moment? > http://i18n.debian.net/material/po/ > http://i18n.debian.net/material/templates/ Certainly. That data is what's used to build the content of the debian-l10n SVN, which should be available from svn+ssh://svn.debian.org/svn/debian-l10n/data/unstable/po-debconf (I give this URL from memory, so please check). So you can either sync http://i18n.debian.net/material/templates/ of the SVN, whatever bette rfits your needs.
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