Quoting Ben Finney (ben+deb...@benfinney.id.au):

>     You are running kernel version ${running}, and the current action
>     requires removing the same version.

This seems much better, yes (and, yes, you got most of my point).

My only minor concern is "You are running kernel..." which I'd be
incline to reword as "This machine is running kernel...". The
rationale being that *I* am not running anything indeed (at least not
kernels..:-)) and the machine is maybe not "mine". That is anyway much
less important than the original issue, though.

> I assume this is a lead-in for a further statement along the lines of
> “This could cause your computer to stop working immediately” or similar.

Yes, absolutely. I should maybe have left more context:

 You are running kernel version ${running}, and the current action
 requires removing the same version.
 This can make the system unbootable as it will remove
 /boot/vmlinuz-${running} and all modules under the directory
 /lib/modules/${running}. This can only be fixed with a copy of the
 kernel image and the corresponding modules.
 It is highly recommended to abort the kernel removal unless you are
 prepared to fix the system after removal.

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