Fredag 9. april 2010 23.21.45 skrev Raphael Geissert :
> [should probably drop some CCs as this is becoming partially
> off-topic; adding CC to eglibc]

Other NO people may be better qualified to reply than I am, but here goes:

> Locale 'no' is not supported
> Locale 'no_NO' is not supported 
> Locale 'no_NY' is not supported

Good!    We have been trying to get rid of those locales for quite some time. 
The two we use are nb_NO and nn_NO, for Bomål and Nynorsk, respectively. 
I know of only one other active locale for _NO:  se_NO,  Northern Sámi in 

Bjørn, who translates KDE to nb and occasionally has time to do a debconf 

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