Quoting Clytie Siddall (cly...@riverland.net.au):
> On 06/04/2010, at 9:27 AM, Martin Eberhard Schauer wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > today i found a new version (3.8.0-11) with
> > POT-Creation-Date: 2010-03-28 18:52+0200.
> > Perhaps some translators want to update their previous work?
> Shouldn't we have received another po-debconf reminder? We received the last 
> one in October last year.

If the maintainer doesn't send one....and if the few of us who track
the state of debconf l10n completeness for their own language don't
notice...then nothing will.

As a matter of fact, when a maintainer changes debconf templates
without notifying translators, I most often detect this the day
after....because I see a new package with an incomplete French

The only case where I miss this is the case where the maintainer
updates the French translation him|herself.

The same stands for newly introduced debconf templates.

I suspect that the same more or less applies to at least German and
Portuguese (because it's easier to do when very close to 100%).

This is not done on purpose, but more a consequence of tools
"limitations" (or lack of features). As this has proven efficient
enough as of now, nobody started some work to improve it.

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