Quoting Clytie Siddall (cly...@riverland.net.au):

> Thanks for the info: translation submitted. Is there any chance that we could 
> receive notifications of discontinued translations, so we could adjust our 
> records?

Well, I don't really see any way to do this. The various robots and
l10n-devel helper scripts make it "easy" to spot new l10n material
popping up in various areas (po-debconf, native packages translation,
web site translation, D-I of course...) but not really to spot things
that disappear.

In the situation such as the one we just had for OOo and postgrey
packages, the only solution is basically getting the package source
tree, compare things with your old translation (which you can get from
the BTS) and draw your conclusion..:-)

Still, I'm impressed by the fact you track all your old l10n work (it
recently help you spot a case where the translation was indeed really
forgotten by the maintainer in an NMU I did). I'm not sure that all
translators or teams do that!

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