Quoting Antonio Radici (anto...@dyne.org):

> The only i18n thing in bugs.debian.org/postgrey is the japanese
> translation, which I have already pushed to git, please let me know if
> there are any other translation. Once you confirm that we're fine or you
> provide me with the additional translations I will package the new
> version of postgrey and do an upload straight away.
> I'm available to do uploads from 18:30 IST (== GMT+1) to midnight every
> day of the week until April 8th.
> Thanks a lot for your mail, sorry for the late update of postgrey but I
> didn't feel there was enough stuff to make an upload, if this thing is
> urgent, as I said, the upload will be certainly done in the same day.

Nothing urgent indeed....but given that things should slowly be in
order for squeeze, I begin nagging maintainers about pending l10n

I'll post a call for translations right now so that translators have
an opportunity to send an update (or a new translation) and will give
you a GO in about one week.

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