Quoting Javier Fernández-Sanguino Peña (j...@computer.org):

> Several things:
> - Would it be possible for the script that generates the compendium to check
>   (using 'msgfmt --stat') that a PO file is correct before using msgcat?
> - Would it be possible for the script to *not* abort if one PO file cannot be
>   added to the compendium?
> - Would it be possible for the script to not lie in the logs. The
>   compendium-es-stamp20090912.po is actually not there...
> - Also, it would be useful if the logs for the compendium generation are
>   stored in a logs/ subdir and not altogether with the PO files.

All this agreed..

Actually, compendia were written by Eddy but are mostly in automatic
pilot since then..

> The wiki (http://i18n.debian.net/wiki/) does not point to where I might find
> the source for the compendia generation. If I knew where it was I could
> change my requests into patches to the scripts :)


And welcome to the debian-l10n project, Javier. You can now

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