Quoting Andrei Popescu (andreimpope...@gmail.com):

> Hello Christian,
> Could you make a list of those things to be added, more detailed, 
> whatever?

As a start:

- making it clearer in the i18n part that we're talking *first* about
i18n/l10n of *Debian material*, that is everything under debian/
(mostly debconf) as well as everything in Debian *native* packages
(programs, documentation, etc.)

- encourage the use of po4a for documentation i18n. Including a good
example for manpages could be great

- document the hard suggestion to get original texts reviewed on
debian-l10n-english. It's already in the part about debconf (IIRC) but
could be made more visible

- (more debatable) give a recommendation to give preferences to
American English in documents as a matter of consistency

- document the call for translations process

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