[Resending - seems to have gotten dropped last time.]

Dear Debian I18N people,

I would like to know if some of you would be interested in translating
monotone's diagnostic messages (that is, the upstream POT file).  There
are already some translations, but upstream lacks translator manpower.

I am particularly interested in help with existing incomplete translations:

language        translated     fuzzy     untranslated
 de              1307           2             8
 es              1255          32            30
 fr               786         241           290
 it              1165          21           131
 ja               564         325           428
 pt_BR            719         250           348
 sv              1279          14            24

and in languages where the debconf templates are translated, but the
program messages are not: cs, nl, and ru.  However, translations for
any language are much appreciated.  Advice on whether the existing
pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese) translation could be promoted to a
generic Portuguese translation would also be appreciated.

As I'm soliciting help with upstream translation, there is no
deadline.  However, a new upstream release is likely to happen in a
couple of weeks, and it would be nice to get the incomplete
translations, at least, fixed up before then.

Please send new or updated translations directly to me
<za...@panix.com> or to the upstream development list
<monotone-de...@nongnu.org>.  Please do *not* file Debian bugs for

You can download a tarball containing the POT file and all the current
PO files from
<http://www.owlfolio.org/debian/monotone-po.tar.gz>.  It unpacks into
the current directory.

Thanks in advance,

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