(CC'ing dle) Quoting Hideki Yamane (henr...@debian.or.jp): > On Sun, 15 Mar 2009 08:27:00 +0100 > Christian Perrier <bubu...@debian.org> wrote: > > The debconf templates for this package recently changed or were added. > > Is there any progress list page? If it is there, so useful.
Yes, there is such a page. The page is indeed the "robot tracking" page for language "en". I'm offline right now and I don't have the URL in my bookmarks. Start from http://i18n.debian.net....and follow links for tracking robots, you should find it..:-) The English reviews of debconf templates and debian/control files follow this cycle: TAF->ITR->RFR->LCFC->BTS TAF: work to do-->I found something new to review, most often because that package changed its templates ITR: Intent to review-->Someone (nearly always me...) announces his|her intent to work on English review RFR: Request for Review-->the reviewer sends his|her first proporal LCFC: after gathering comments, the reviewer sends a "final" version BTS: the reviewer sent a bug report to the package maintainer Later on, there are two steps, that aren't tracked by the robot, but only tracked on the reviewer's machinie (when the reviewer is /me). CALL: the reviewer manages a call for translations, based on the modified templates REMIND: before stopping monitoring the package, the reviewer does a last summary of updated translations and missing ones. FINAL: at the end of a predefined delay, the reviewer sends a general patch to the bug (s)he sent for the review, that includes all (verified) translations, changelog entries, etc. The delays between various steps: TAF-ITR: 3 days (time left to others on debian-l10n-english to declare their intent before I do the work myself) ITR-RFR: 3 days (time left to the maintainer to react to the review intent in case it would conflict with some other work) RFR-LCFC: 10 days (time left for exchanges on dle during the review) LCFC-BTS: 2 days (time left for last minute changes of the reviewed texts) BTS-CALL: 3 days (time left to the maintainer to react to the proposed changes before they are sent to translators for update) CALL-REMIND: 12 days (time left to translation teams for their work cycle) REMIND-DONE: 2 days (time left for late translators....) One should note that, *after the DONE step has been reached* nothing prevents late translators to send updated translations. Sometimes maintainers just wait for the final GO I give to them and upload immediately, but most often the package continues to sit until the maintainer has some other changes that motivate an upload. The whole review process is, as you can see, *very* long (officially 35 days, most often about 40). I have a rough tracking of what's currently done *by me* that I consult daily (this is a script that's cronned on my machine). Here is its output as of today: -1:console-setup:rfr -1:netselect:reminder -1:zabbix:reminder 0:adjtimex:bts 0:approx:taf 0:gitosis:call 0:nethack:bts 0:nut:rfr 0:postgrey:rfr 0:sa-exim:call 0:vsftpd:lcfc 1:dictd:intent 1:masqmail:intent 1:request-tracker3.8:taf 4:aolserver4:rfr Meaning: - console-setup is at RFR step and the next step (LCFC) should be done...today - adjtimex is at BTS step and the next step (CALL) should be tomorrow - masqmail (the package mentioned in Subject:) is at the INTENT step and the reviewer (me) should propose reviewed texts as of Wednesday. - etc. I think you get the point....
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