Hi Franklin,

It seems that I destroyed the homepage of debian wiki, could you please
restore it or let me know how to restore it.

I'm sorry for keep destroying Debian WIKI instead of contributing to it.

I will be very glad if you or somebody on the mailing list teach me on how
to create new zh_CN pages, link to English version pages, etc. I know there
are FAQ, HOWTO and Help on wiki.debian.org, but I am too stupid to
understand that.

Tks a lot.


On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 7:00 PM, Hugh <hugh.sh...@gmail.com> wrote:

> WIKI is quite new to me, actually IT is quite new to me as well.
> I need to learn how to do that. I will contact the mailing list for any
> further questions. The debian community is very kind to beginners.
> I will get back to you if restoring my translation is needed.
> Thanks :)
> Regards,
> Hugh
> On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 6:04 PM, Frank Lin PIAT <fp...@klabs.be> wrote:
>> Hugh wrote:
>> > Sorry Franklin, it's my fault of not learning how to use it before
>> > working.
>> No problem (I find it more important to do things, at the risk of
>> making mistake and learning, that not doing anything)
>> Based on Anthony's note, the page should be named zh_CN/zh_TW/zh_HK (we
>> chosed to use underscore on the wiki... but at least it is easy to map the
>> values with a regexp)
>> If you don't feel comfortable recovering the content, just let me know
>> which prefix (zh_CN/zh_TW/zh_HK) should be used, and I'll recover the
>> content for you.
>> Thank you for you contribution
>> Franklin

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