Martin Bagge wrote:
> maybe this can be solved graceful with the imminent upload.
> #. Type: string
> #. Description
> #: ../masqmail.templates:6001
> msgid "Masqmail, for security reasons, does not listen an all network 
> interfaces by default. If there are no other hosts connected to your host, 
> just leave the default 'localhost:25' value. If there are other hosts that
> may want to send SMTP messages to this host, add the address of your
> network interface here, eg.: localhost:25;"
> msgstr ""
> "...does not listen an all network..."
> should probably be
> "...does not listen on all network..."

Agreed.  I'm also not keen on the "eg." - make that "e.g.", or
better yet... oh, sorry, I've ended up rewriting the whole thing:

 msgid "For security reasons, the only interface masqmail listens on by default
 is localhost. If this computer is connected to others that should be able to
 send it SMTP messages, add the network interface address (and port number) that
 masqmail should listen on here - for example: 'localhost:25;'."
 msgstr ""

But I don't know if this is worth the effort...
JBR     with qualifications in linguistics, experience as a Debian
        sysadmin, and probably no clue about this particular package

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