On Thu, 2008-11-13 at 13:55 +0100, Martin Bagge wrote:
> When performing a update for isight-firmware-tools po-debconf I noticed 
> the following:
> #. Type: text
> #. Description
> #: ../templates:4001
> msgid "Extract success. Enjoy iSigiht!."
> msgstr ""
> AFAIK "!" should not be followed by a ".", if the "!" is part of a name 
> like Yahoo! I could consider it but not like in the sentence above.

It would normally be considered an indicator of poor grammar to use a
full stop after either an exclamation mark or question mark. I'd agree
that the few situations where the exclamation mark is part of a proper
name are the only time it would be acceptable (and even then it would
appear 'odd').

(Quite where a full stop must appear in relation to a parenthesis is a
different question.) QED.

BTW - isn't there a second typo in the msgid? 
iSigiht [sic] - probably iSight.


Neil Williams

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