On Tue,21.Oct.08, 18:56:28, W. Martin Borgert wrote:
> Hi,
> sooner or later we will release Debian 5.0. When time comes.
> The release notes are far from being ready, but we need to start
> translations now. If you like to help:
> 1. Please reply to this e-mail (debian-doc list) stating your
>    interest. I will coordinate translations to prevent double
>    work.
Yes for ro, but help is welcome (debian-l10n-romanian is in CC)

> 2. Inform me, if you prefer full-text translation over
>    po-file method. Default is po. Currently, only pt_BR uses
>    full-text style.
.po will do.

>    Inform me, if you intend to use any other encoding than UTF-8
>    and good reason why. Currently, all translation use UTF-8.

No, definitely not, we need UTF-8 for the new diacritics.

> 3. If you like to start, check out the release notes:
>    $ svn checkout 
> svn://svn.debian.org/svn/ddp/manuals/branches/release-notes/lenny
>    You need to apt-get install subversion to do so.

Is git-svn ok? ;)
If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough.
(Albert Einstein)

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