Am Mittwoch, den 24.09.2008, 18:17 +0200 schrieb Christian Perrier:
> Quoting vince ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > - is it Rijndael (line 2, see also template 3001 2nd block) or Rjindael
> > (line 5)? I quoted all as "Rijndael", if it is wrong please advise so
> > that I correct my translation accordingly;
> > - between "for" and "SPA" there are 2 blank spaces.
> Franck, if you correct this, you'll fuzzy all translations you already
> received. A method to "unfuzzy" them is described in the Developer's
> Reference.

 Erm, please be careful with that - it might well be that the term has
been used wrongly in some translations, too. I would expect that it's
much saver to *not* unfuzzy the strings in this case, from what I
understand about the problem.

 So long,

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