Quoting Morten Werner Forsbring ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > If you intent to upload yourself, please notify me so that I interrupt
> > the process on my side. Please also don't upload without a discussion
> > with me. Some translators might send a few new translations and I can handle
> > a round of translation updates for you. Really, don't upload silently...:-)
> If you don't have any objections, I will asap. upload a new slbackup
> package closing all l10n-bugs (#463827, #468843 and #486345). Ok?

Would you mind if we send a call for translation updates and/or new
translations ?

That would just add an extra 10-days delay to the process (meaning you
could upload around "end of June") but could bring more translations...

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