On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 06:45:22PM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> The dash Debian package, which you are the maintainer of, has
> pending bug report(s) which include translation updates or fixes
> for po-debconf, namely bug number 479361 (and maybe other similar bugs).
> Even though this bug is quite recent, the release of Debian is not that
> far and an opportunity should be taken to not only fix
> that l10n bug, but also get more translations for your package.
> I have the intention, as part of a more general action of the Debian
> i18n Task Force to build and possibly upload a non-maintainer upload
> for dash in order to fix this as well as all pending translations
> for the debconf templates.
> Of course, as you seem pretty active on that package, an upload by you
> would also be OK...as long as it allows a round of translation
> updates.
> Such changes are always harmless, which explains why I safely consider
> building NMU's for such issues even though they're obviously non critical.
> The schedule for the NMU (in case it happens, that is if you agree with it
> or if I don't receive any answer in 14 days) is roughly the following:
>  Monday, June 16, 2008   : send this notice
>  Monday, June 30, 2008       : post a NMU announcement to debian-i18n with you
>                  (maintainer) CC'ed

Hi Christian, I have an upload pending, it should hit the archive before
June 30.

Thanks, Gerrit.

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