> The submit button is enabled after you change some of the translated
> text, perhaps that is it?
> Do you have javascript enabled?

I seen : if I select an untranslated package(with tag <trans>) and begin
to translate, the Submit button appears and works!
Instead, if I select a translate package(even if it is in "pending
translation"), the button doesn't work.
So, i think, after first translation, i must wait the description goes
in "pending revision" to change the text.

> That usually only happens if someone requested it again. I'd suggest
> opening them, checking the description and changing the text slightly
> so the submut botton activates and then submit it.I think perhaps
> these are old, so the bug that caused them is long fixed (at some
> point there was an automatic script requesting packages even if they
> were already translated).

Today my translatation is finally in pending review.
I must be more patient next time.

Thank you for help and clear explanation.


> Have a nice day,
> -- 
> Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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