On 10/25/07, Gerfried Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  When one gets told that the translations get locked for the good and
> the bad and further questions on how to do so go unresponded, how would
> you do that?

I'm not sure what you mean by locked and I don't know where you asked
but the procedure is simple:

1. Goto http://kleptog.org/cgi-bin/ddtss2-cgi/de
2. Select the package you want, or type the name of the one you want to fix
3. Get two of your friends to check it
4. Viola!

>  And claiming that this would be the only way is just plainly wrong.
> There is e.g. no way to contact the person who did submit or proofread
> and miss severe problem to make them aware of the issue so they can
> avoid them in the future - which is a *far* better approach to the
> problem at hand.

Well, I'm always open to suggestions or improvements, but I can't
write it all myself. At some point someone was going to get me an
account on i18n.d.o so more people could see the source to the DDTSS
but it hasn't mappened.

Have a nice day,
Martijn van Oosterhout <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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