Quoting Clytie Siddall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> HI everyone :)
> Today the auto-update DI reminders said the console-common_debian file 
> needed updating. So I updated it.
> Then I find an auto-update Debconf reminder for console-common. When I open 
> the file: it appears to be the same file. It certainly has the same new 
> strings. The only differences are in the string IDs (and the changes to 
> msgstrs I submitted today).
> Are these the same file? Or do we need to translate console-common_debian 
> separately for D-I and debconf?

Yes, they are the same file. Indeed when sending the call for
translation updates for console-common after the review process, I
forgot that console-common is still listed in "level 5" for D-I (which
is kinda exxageration now because these debconf screens are not that
important anymore and will become even less important if we switch
sonsole handling to console-setup.


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