On Monday 28 May 2007 19:36, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Let's give another proposal.

here are my proposed changes against these. As announced on IRC, mostly 
for the way we prompt for space-separated lists.
One advantage of the proposed text is that for the last 2 strings it makes 
clear that one interface name is allowed too.

s/However it is no longer being used./
  It is, however, no longer being used./

s/You can specify multiple server names or IP addresses (as a
  space-separated list)./
  It is possible to specify multiple server names or IP addresses
  (using a space-separated list)./
s/Please enter (in a space-separated list) the names of the network
  interfaces the DHCP relay should attempt to configure./
  Please specify which network interface(s) the DHCP relay should attempt
  to configure. Multiple interface names should be entered as a
  space-separated list./

s/Please enter (in a space-separated list) the interface names (e.g. eth0)
  on which the server should listen for DHCP requests./
  Please specify on which network interface(s) the DHCP relay should
  listen for DHCP requests. Multiple interface names should be entered as
  a space-separated list./


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