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Hello Christian,

Em Thu, 19 Apr 2007 22:37:27 +0200
Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu:

> (second version: I corrected an important mistake in the earlier
> version)
> Hi,
> The debian-l10n-english team has reviewed the debconf templates for
> mysql-dfsg-5.0. This opens an opportunity for new translations to be
> sent for that package.
> mysql-dfsg-5.0 already includes translations for ca.po cs.po da.po
> de.po es.po eu.po fr.po gl.po it.po ja.po nb.po nl.po pt.po pt_BR.po
> ro.po ru.po sv.po tr.po, so do not translate it to these languages
> (the previous translators will be contacted separately).


>   pt_BR              1          12             8


   I have got some free time this weekend and I would love to update
some of the various pt_BR translations. Should I wait to be contacted
separatedly sometime in the future or is there a way I could do it now ?

   I'm asking because I see you sent not only this specific po-debconf
translation request but also some others (i.e., dtc-xen, mnogosearch,
firebird2.0, etc).

   Havinf said that, I would like to ask you if I could go ahead and
translate what is currently available at [0] for these specific packages
or if I should wait for a future separated contact with the material to
be translated geared towards translation updates and not translations
from scratch.



- -- 
André Luís Lopes
[EMAIL PROTECTED],debian}.org
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