Hello translators, Right now the Release Notes are translated to 20 languages. 10 of which are currently up to date [0] and enabled for the builds.
As expected, after etch's release, there have been a number of issues found in the Release Notes (see the BTS [1]) which we would like to fix for the next Etch release (r1). Some of these changes will impact in people currently working on the translation fo the Release Notes, so we would like to know what is your suggestion for "unfreezing" the Release Notes. Here's the current status: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Up to date (10): ca, cs, de, es, fi, fr, it, pt, pt_BR ro, sv (all of this are enabled) Out of date (5): ja, ru, vi, zh_CN, zh_TW, Very out of date (5): da, ko, nl (although it's being worked on), sk (I don't expect any of these, save 'nl' to update as they have not sent any updates to the RN for these release) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- My question goes directly to the translation coordinators which are "out of date" and in working progress. How much time do you need to finish the translation for the Release Notes? Of course feel free to comment if your translation is "up to date" but you are currently reviewing it and fixing typos in it too. I'm thinking on allowing until next week for translators to catch up before we introduce major changes to the document. Translations finished at that time would be enabled and available at the website before we start making changes again. Thanks in advance, Javier [0] Not "fully" uptodate (save for italian) since there has been one upload: - Fixing typos - Adding a line in the "upgrade-reports" section asking users to gzip files - Adding a <prgn> tag and changing one <package> tag to <prgn> http://cvs.debian.org/ddp/manuals.sgml/release-notes/en/release-notes.en.sgml?root=debian-doc&r1=1.283&r2=1.284&diff_format=h [1] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/pkgreport.cgi?pkg=release-notes;dist=unstable
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