2007/3/27, Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Quoting Frans Pop ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):

> The correct way to do this is to create a malayam and malayam-desktop task
> in tasksel and add the font package you need in that.

I will try to put together those tasks.

I think we of course need to point that there are few chances for this
to go in etch.

Indeed, this is something we should work on for the future when
languages are definitely activated in D-I: we should encourage
translators to propose language tasks for their languages.

I saw the steps mentioning addition of language tasks when I was
translating but didn't realize its importance :-(

Sorry for omitting this for Malayalam (hard to spell, isn't it?).

:-) most of the times I have to check back and correct any missing
letters. Frans has missed some of the letters as well :-)

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