Le samedi 17 février 2007 à 14:14 +0100, Christian Perrier a écrit :
> > mysql-dfsg-5.0 (5.0.32-6) unstable; urgency=low
> > 
> >   * Changed wording in Debconf templates to better fit to the graphical
> >     interface (thanks to Frank Kuester). Closes: #411165
> >   * Lintian suggested style changes to some other Debconf questions.
> Don't tell me that you *again* broke out debconf templates
> translations?
> This is actually the 8th time you do this in one year (at least I
> count up to 8 updates to the French translation).

In GNOME, there is a string freeze which forbids such changes for
several weeks before the planned release. I think we have no reason for
not doing the same in Debian. If we want translated templates, we must
not change them every other day, it's as simple as that.

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