Hi folks,

I realize I'm fairly late planning my attendance at DebConf7 and what to 
do there, but here it is. As DebConf7 will be somewhat shorter after the 
release of Etch than originally planned, it seems a good opportunity to 
discuss D-I development during the Lenny release cycle.

I'm considering submitting three D-I related talks/BoFs (comments 
- talk: Debian Installer - where are we and where are we going
  Overview for general audience
- BoF: Debian Installer development
  Open Discussion amongst interested (D-I) developers of what we should or
  can do in the development cycle for Lenny
- BoF: Supporting non-free drivers/firmware during installation
  Open discussion amongst interested developers about whether we should
  and how we want to support installing Debian on hardware that is not
  supported by the regular kernel image packages

The talk should be early in the week and is partially intended to invite 
people to the later BoFs.

Are any of you planning any D-I related talks/work during DebConf?

One thing I'm thinking which could be done during DebCamp would be to work 
on the challenges of reducing the memory taken by translations (as 
discussed during the i18n Extremadura session) [1]. As this requires some 
serious hacking in cdebconf and the buildsystem, we'll need some strong 
coders to work on this and will require some preparation.

Are people interested in doing this or are there other ideas for DebCamp?
Who is planning to be in Edinburgh during DebCamp?

I've created a wiki page [2] where people can add their D-I related plans 
for DebConf. Hope to see you there (or at Fosdem [3])!


[1] http://wiki.debian.org/I18n/Extremadura2006ModularizingD-I
[2] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/DebConf7
[3] At Fosdem I will be giving a talk on "Automating installations using 
preseeding in Debian Installer"

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