On Sunday 14 January 2007 11:38, Christian Perrier wrote:
> Last weeks have seen a lot of progress on the Pootle installation on
> i18n.debian.net. This mail will try to summarize them.

Thank you for the update, but, to be honest, I am more concerned about the 
future plans and especially the moment that pootle will be opened for 
actual use.

We have always identified as essential functionality:
- the support for (and the ability to manage) team and translator
  ownership of translations;
- support for team review policy.

I don't believe this is implemented yet (and you confirmed the first one 
on IRC). Especially with the occasional horror stories of what happens 
with "our" translations in Ubuntu sometimes in mind, I personally would 
not like to see any of "my" translations (including the Dutch D-I 
translation) to be opened up for modification through pootle before such 
a mechanism is in place.

I feel that at the very least translators should be able to lock down any 
(individual) or all translations for their language before any editing is 
allowed that could end up in uploads of packages.

I'm happy with the progress. For a lot of translations this can be a 
boost, but I am also very concerned.


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