Quoting César Gómez Martín ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> >Escrebo só para dar unha boa nova: avisar que ven de ser creada a lista de
> >localización ao galego da Debian [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> I can understand Galician but I don't think it is a good idea to CC
> this mail to debian-18n since most of the people don't understand any
> word of what you say. So I think you should, at least, translate it to
> English.

Well, it has been useful for at least one person, César..:-)...

Of course, this should not be encouraged too widely but, as the
creation of the debian-l10n-galician has been already discussed in
-i18n and given that Galician is somewhat intelligible to a part of
debian-i18n readers (Spanish and Portuguese speakers
undoubtfully...and even French speakers can get some of the ideas), I
don't see much harm done.

We should just leave it up to the poster's intelligence to keep such
non English posts to a reasonable minimum..:)

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