Quoting Matthias Julius ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> Christian Perrier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > However, experience has shown that these fallback languages are
> > usefule for very few languages and, sometimes, things that sound like
> > a good idea initially turn out to be confusing to users (e.g. using
> > Russian as fallback for Ukrainian, or things like this...).
> >
> > And, guess what, even this can lead to political-style problems...
> This could be avoided if the user gets to decide: "Not all messages
> have been translated into the language you have chosen. Please select
> a fallback language."

Theoretically, yes, but how would the installer "know" in advance that
debconf templates are not translated competely? D-I is modular by
nature so, at the moment localechooser is run, there is no possible
way to know whether udebs are fully translated, or not, for the chosen

An alternative could be showing the "fallback" question for all
installs, but it would really be invasive for the vast majority of

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