On Thu, Nov 16, 2006 at 10:37:52AM +0100, Jens Seidel wrote:
> I really, really cannot believe that it's OK to ignore useful und
> non-destructive work from people helping to partipiate in Debian.
> Maybe it't time to open a release critical bug report to this issue ...

Which would be a histrionic abuse of the BTS and would be closed

> And the reasons for dropping languages?
>  * Avoiding outdated/obsolete translations? No, not using PO format!
>  * Saving memory? No, we could drop French for this or provide a new
>    infrastructure which just ships compressed PO files and creates
>    .mo files on the fly (maybe also dynamically loaded from the network
>    or a CD). It would not save a lot but a few hundreds kilobytes ...
>  * To force people learning other languages (English)? Probably ...
>  * To support testing these languages? Ahm no, this requires the opposite.
>  * It was requested by many developers or users? Haha!

It is perfectly reasonable to take the position that having an incomplete
translation of the installer for a language is *worse* than not shipping one
at all.  You don't get multiple fallbacks in the installer like you can with
gettext; if the string isn't translated, you're stuck with English, and
English may *not* be the user's second choice -- they might have chosen a
different language had they only known that Debian had done such a poor job
of preparing the installer for their own language.

We are not releasing etch for it to be *tested*, we are releasing it for
*use*.  There is no "early and often" that applies here, whatever we ship in
etch is bound to end up printed on CDs, shipped in magazines, and otherwise
sticking around in a more or less persistent form.  There is no shame at all
in Christian's efforts to help ensure that whatever we ship as the installer
for etch is polished and usable.

Steve Langasek                   Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer                   to set it on, and I can move the world.
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