Hello Christian,
On Thu, Oct 19, 2006 at 07:05:04PM +0200, Christian Perrier wrote:
> I announced the intent to build and possibly upload a non-maintainer upload
> for this package in order to fix this long-time pending localization
> bug as well as all other pending translations.


> The package is currently translated to: cs da de fr ja nl pt_BR sv vi
> The following translations are incomplete: cs da de fr ja pt_BR sv vi
>        (even after applying pending l10n bugs, of course)

> If you did any of the, currently incomplete, translations you will get a
> copy of this announcement BCCd to you. Please review the translation.

German version is currently in review, will follow in the next days
(before the deadline of course).

>   http://people.debian.org/~lwall/i18n/pots/openldap2

In http://people.debian.org/~lwall/i18n/pots there are other templates
which are missing a german version. I started working on those as
well. Shall I send them directly to you once they are finished and
review, and is there a specific deadline for them as well (or the same
as for this one)?

Thanks for taking care of these translations.

> Thanks for your efforts and time.

Knowing that my translation is *actually included* is a huge



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