Hello! At the the i18n Extremadura Meeting[1] we discussed how to be able to handle i18n and l10n bugs more conveniently and having a way to be able to track those things more closely. The various ways our BTS currently offers where discussed and we came to the conclusion that a pseudo package in which we can put metatags for transitions and tracking bugs amongst different packages and/or languages would help most.
Please keep in mind when deciding it that it is not only about package related translations, so it doesn't always fit in the packages themself - especially it is hard to keep an eye on them if the bugs are cluttered through the different packages only. So, long introduction, short outcome: Pretty please make us an early christmas present and add a debian-i18n pseudo package to the BTS so we will be able to enhance and improve the i18n efforts. So long, Alfie [1] <http://wiki.debian.org/I18n/Extremadura2006> -- "Kaum wird das Wetter schlechter und die Tage kürzer, fallen die Newbies über das Netz her wie die Blätter von den Bäumen." (Ulf Schaefer in de.talk.jokes)
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