On 15/09/2006, at 3:49 AM, Thomas Huriaux wrote:

During the Extremadura meeting, we decided to launch an NMU campaign for l10n bugs. The first step of such a campaign is to detect which packages have long-standing l10n bugs. I've written a "dl10n-nmu" script, available
in the debian-l10n project CVS on alioth [1], which scores packages
according to the number and the age of l10n bugs. <snip>

I am really disappointed to see how many of my submitted translations are still unprocessed, and thus not available to users. :(

Last time I checked, some of these completed translations had been waiting over a year to be processed.

Is there anything we can do as translators to fix this problem?

from Clytie (vi-VN, Vietnamese free-software translation team / nhóm Việt hóa phần mềm tự do)

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