Hello all,

We will soon be starting the preparations for the next Beta release of the 
installer for Etch. When exactly depends on the migration of the 2.6.16 
kernel to testing.

As with past Beta releases, we will not have a formal string freeze and we 
do not guarantee that all translation updates will be uploaded. We will 
make an effort to have most translations as up-to-date as possible 
though. If you would like your translation to be as complete as possible 
in the next release, please start updating now!

It is also very important that your translation does not contain any 
technical errors (like typo's in variables used in strings). So, please 
check if any errors are listed (columns "suspect variables" and "specific 
checks") for your translation on [1] and fix them. Feel free to ask for 
help if needed.

With the release of Etch getting closer, it is also getting more important 
that _you, as translators_ *TEST* the installer too see if there aren't 
any weird display problems. You will also often be able to spot 
consistency problems easier when you actually run an installation.
If you cannot test yourself, ask friends and maybe look over their 
shoulders. Asking others to try the installer and comment on your 
translation is a good idea anyway.

This will be the last Beta release. The next release will be a release 
candidate (RC) for Etch. For RC releases we _will_ have formal string 
freeze periods for translation updates and it is also more important that 
you have your translations updated to 100% because otherwise you run the 
risk that the installer will be actually released with an incomplete 
Anyway, we are not at that point yet. First the last Beta.


[1] http://d-i.alioth.debian.org/spellcheck/level1/index.html

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