
> 1.- Gintautas works on the API (which has to include the separation
> of front-end and back-end), and on the XML-RPC. This will really
> ...

I like your plan very much.

I have one question: how to best approach migration to the new backend?
Doing it in-place would unnecessarily break a lot of things until the
entire job is complete.  I am thinking of this process:

1) introduce a new Python package, e.g., Pootle.backend or
Pootle.storage 2) define interfaces (abstract classes)
3) define implementations, gradually move code into them from the main
server, update original code to use the new backend
4) remove all remaining direct access code so that data is accessed
only through the backend.

Do you think this plan makes sense?

> Adding a little more meat:... Also, I would see the a separation
> between the Pootle web-based file server and the Pootle editor, and
> maybe putting them on top of the API, even if maybe this is not the
> best place for the editor. Would this break the idea that you
> expressed with the server layer above?
> <snip>

Yes, this scheme is almost exactly what I was thinking about.  Indeed,
the Pootle file server is different from the Pootle online editor and
they should be separate.

Gintautas Miliauskas

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