Please take a look at Guillem's reasoning for closing
bug#229954. I don't find it satisfactory, but it may simply
be me, who is difficult.
An example demonstrating my problem:
% dpkg -l greylistd
| Status=Ikke/Installeret/Ops�t.-files/Upakket/Ops�tn.-fejl/Halvt-inst.
|/ Fjl?=(ingen)/Tilbageholdt/Geninst.-kr�vet/X=begge-dele (Status,Fjl:
||/ Navn Version Beskrivelse
rc greylistd 0.8.3 Greylisting daemon for use with Exim 4
How does the translation of the headline explain the meaning of the
letters "r" and "c" in front of "greylistd"?
"I don't want to gain immortality in my works.
I want to gain it by not dying."
--- Begin Message ---
On Wed, 2006-06-07 at 10:20:44 +0300, Guillem Jover wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-01-27 at 18:13:35 +0100, Jacob Sparre Andersen wrote:
> > Package: dpkg
> > Version: 1.9.21
> > Severity: important
> >
> > It appears that the codes in the first two (three?) columns in the
> > output from `dpkg -l` is untranslatable. Here's the output from `dpkg
> > -l exim` on my system using the en_UK and the da_DK locales:
> > da_DK:
> > Ønsket=Ukendt/Installér/Fjern/Udrens/Tilbagehold
> > | Status=Ikke/Installeret/Opsæt.-files/Upakket/Opsætn.-fejl/Halvt-inst.
> > |/ Fjl?=(ingen)/Tilbageholdt/Geninst.-krævet/X=begge-dele (Status,Fjl:
> > versaler=slemt)
> > ||/ Navn Version Beskrivelse
> > +++-====================-====================-========================================================
> > rc exim 3.35-1 An MTA (Mail Transport Agent)
> >
> > It would make it possible for Danish users to understand the codes, if
> > they were translatable (and translated) and not just arbitrary
> > characters.
As I've been told by Claus the header is in perfect Danish, thus
closing this bug report.
--- End Message ---