On Ma, 2006-06-05 at 02:08 +0300, Gintautas Miliauskas wrote:
> Hello,



> Aigars promised me Subversion access to pootle's repository where I
> could create a branch and work on it.  While I don't yet have code to
> commit, I have been trying to get the gist of what you have and I would
> like to commit some documentation notes on the current implementation.
> It would also help to learn of the plans of the other pootle developers:
> if a major architectural restructurisation is underway, that would
> quickly render my branch obsolete. I saw a roadmap on the Wordforge
> website. Are things moving in Pootle as fast as expected?  Aigars
> mentioned some sort of a new push with extensive class hierarchy
> charts, but I could not find them on the website.  Could anyone point
> me in the right direction?
> Sorry for the slow start, but I figure I'll have the entire summer for
> this after I'm done with those dastardly exams.
> Best regards,

I cannot give all the comments in full, but can quickly share the

There are some restructuring underway in the branch called
Pootle-locking-branch. David is working on implementing file locking to
enable pootle to run under mod_python with apache.

We will be making some changes to enable pootle to more easily work with
other types of files as a storage format (not only to do conversion). In
this regard you will notice how classes get based on storage/base.py and
we adapt pootle to only use functionality from those classes as far as
possible. So there will be some changes related to pootlefile and its

I'm not sure exactly when you checked the roadmap, but we are just about
on track I would say. You'll see the items that are finished are crossed

When you have more time and the need for more interactive discussions,
you can join us on irc on #pootle on irc.freenode.net (someone is there
most of the time).


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