> -       <sect2>Be gender neutral
> +       <sect2>Be gender-equal
>         <p>
> -The world is made of men and women. Please use gender-neutral
> -constructions in your writing. This is not Political Correctness, this
> +The world contains men and women. Please mix both genders
> +in your examples. This is not Political Correctness, this
>  is showing respect to all humanity.

I suggest that this specific part be discussed in d-w. I have no
strong opinion though I tend to prefer the "neutral" way o the "equal"
way (how can one be equal if there's only one example..:-)))

> Some advice in the previous section is also a bit odd.  The passive
> voice is usually harder to understand than the active.  This opinion
> is supported by many writing guides, English and US, such as Strunk:
> http://www.bartleby.com/141/strunk5.html#11
> Scientific papers are widely criticised as examples of difficult
> reading.  The heading advice not to use the first person for
> the computer feels good, though.
> Maybe further discussion should be on debian-l10n-english?

I fully agree. This could be a very good occasion to revive that list,

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