Hello, On Mon, May 01, 2006 at 11:06:59AM +0200, Frans Pop wrote: > While working on that, I came across a page [1] with information > about unofficial translations and under what conditions they are > allowed. This includes a text that *must be included* with the > translation. > > I will try to create a structural solution so that PO-based > translations can also add these required texts in a nice way.
Only an idea: The new text about the inofficial translation is ok of course, but maybe we should provide a link to an english official gpl version? (i.e. make the string "English text of the GNU GPL" (see [1]) beeing a link to an english GPL version (either an english version of the manual chapter F, or a link to the FSF) or with some extra words) > Please check if your translation meets the requirements. If there is a > translation for your language published on that page, the same > translations should probably be used in the manual. As I already wrote to Frans, the german gpl translation was stolen from there including the extra text, so it fits the requirements. Holger [1] This is an unofficial translation of the GNU General Public License into German. It was not published by the Free Software Foundation, and does not legally state the distribution terms for software that uses the GNU GPL – only the original English text of the GNU GPL does that. However, we hope that this... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ [format this as a hyperlink?] -- ============================================================== Created with Sylpheed-Claws 2.2.2 under Debian GNU/LINUX 3.1 »Sarge« http://counter.li.org/, Registered LinuxUser #311290 Spamfiltering by bogofilter.sourceforge.net =============================================================